Fire hazards threaten life and property and demand modern safety infrastructures with efficient fire suppression systems. The older fire suppression systems, in the form of a significant portion of water or chemical agents, may cause even more widespread damage. The Water Mist Fire Suppression System is a novel and highly efficient fire protection solution using fine water mist that can suppress a fire with a relatively smaller quantity of water and damage.
At Swastik Synergy Engineering PVT LTD, we help in providing sophisticated Water Mist Fire Suppression Systems, ensuring highest safety with leading-edge technology. Our expertise as fire safety engineering experts helps bring customized solutions that are designed based on the application for various sectors, ensuring full protection against such fire hazards.
How Does A Water Mist Fire Suppression System Work?
The Water Mist Fire Suppression System works through the dispersion of fine water droplets into the fire-prone area. It absorbs heat so fast that its temperature reduces as well as pushes out oxygen for combustion. These two actions put together suppress a fire and don't allow the fire to relight, and this is what makes it so suitable for almost all environments for fire protection.
The system has three primary operating modes:
Cooling Effect – Absorbs the heat of fire with fine mist forms, reduces overall temperature, and slows the spread.
Oxygen Displacement – Steam forms in response to high temperatures, reducing oxygen content around the fire and starving it of oxygen to suffocate the flames.
Radiant Heat Reduction – The formation of a thermal barrier restricts the spread of heat to surrounding areas, therefore restricting fire damage.